Wednesday, April 24, 2013

More progress on Niijima

I couldn't focus enough to make a new pattern, and in fact I wound up going home from school before noon. I'm still sick but there's too much to do here at school today that I can't afford to miss. ie. Chem, cap and gown pics, and art class. I did however get some more done on Niijima. His outline's almost done, then I can work on filling him in. I should have time today in art to work on him since I finished the latest assignment early. I'm really tired so I'm not going to make this much longer. Here's the picture.

Hopefully I'll have more to post tomorrow.


  1. I hope you feel better soon! It's so cool that you get to work on your cross stitch in art class, too! I can't imagine that having been allowed in my high school art classes.

  2. Thanks you, and yeah he's a pretty awesome teacher.
