Monday, December 16, 2013

Aqua's finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And some more FFVIII perler beads!

I feel like I should start off this post with the best news! I finished my Aqua cross stitch and turned her into a pillow <3 She looks so super cute next to Terra! I'm surprised I managed to get her done before Christmas, after all, I'm working full time now at a Subway restaurant. I'm going to make sure to finish the Digimon pattern before I begin my Ventus pattern.

Next off, I have beaded all the FFVIII characters in their normal outfits by Missy-Tannenbaum and I plan to do the variations of Selphie, Squall, and Rinoa later tonight (when my friend who invited himself in, leaves...) I have turned them all into magnets, and when I came home from work yesterday, they had been switched from the arrangement in the picture to Zell having killed all the other characters and standing on top of Edea. It was a big pick me up :)

I know this post is pretty short, but I felt it was about time I posted something exciting! In case I don't post again until they're over, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!


  1. Wow, the perlers are so cool! I didn't know what I was going to post tonight, but now I want to try for a couple of new FFVIII patterns! The fact that you perlered Edea is artsy and inspiring. I can't believe her headdress is sturdy enough that she'll stay on the fridge, and the eyeliner is so cool! And, of course, that's not to mention Aqua! She looks beautiful, especially her hair, and the pillow that you made her into is so cute! You are an official arts and crafts master. ^^

  2. The headdress is actually a bit wobbly, but I'm hoping if I don't mess with her much she'll be alright. I can't wait to see your new patterns :3 I'll bet they'll look amazing!!!!! Thanks so much for the compliments (though I'm by no means a master yet ^.^') I just find crafting to be really fun :)
