Wednesday, October 19, 2016

At last a New pattern, and some exciting news! ALSO NEBRASKON APPROACHES!

So, recently our cosplay group has been discussing (mostly Ami and I) doing characters from the 80's (early 2000s if you live in the States) Anime called Saint Seiya (Knights of the Zodiac for its brief run in the USA). It stemmed from me finding out that the game Saint Seiya: Soldier's Soul was available through Steam! I quickly snatched it up and through story mode got Logan interested enough in the series to start watching it subbed on CrunchyRoll, and now here I am halfway through rewatching the whole thing and I've COMPLETELY rekindled my love for it and then some!! I quite obviously am from the USA so I got the very short, poorly done Dic Dubbed Knights of the Zodiac circa 2002, it was a heavily censored and localized mess, with all blood and violence either turned blue or erased, but the imagery I did absorb as an impressionable 7 year old was enough that this series stuck with me LOOOOONNNGG after its run! While the Dub never did make it to the real plot of the show, after looking it up and making it much further in the subbed version I've fallen so head over heals for it! It's a long one, but definitely worth the watch! I'm sure anyone reading this who remembers it will agree! Now that I've successfully roped both my little brother and Logan into cosplaying the main 4 Bronze saints (we are lacking a Phoenix Ikki), we have a definitive lineup for NebrasKon 2017, Myself as Hyoga, Ami as Shun, Logan as Shiryu, and Cameron as the titular Seiya! I'm sure you're all thinking "BUT THAT'S A YEAR FROM NOW!" I'm aware, but more on NebrasKon 2016's lineup later in this post!

For now I present to you a new cross stitch pattern!! A portrait of Aries Mu in his casual clothes from the Sanctuary Arc of Saint Seiya! There's really no good way to describe Mu, but he's the kind of character you love no matter what! This was a lot of fun to make, and really only took a couple of hours! I look forward to stitching or perler beading this, whichever comes first, and as always, if you get around to it before me, I'd love to see it!

There's surely going to be more of these to come, I'm thinking Hyoga or Shiryu next, if you have a favorite Saint (or God Warrior, or Marina, or Spectre etc) let me know and I may just make a pattern for you!

On to the next topic! Kogata Daycon, a local one day event, was on the 15th, and our group, along with my mother attended! While we were there, a reporter for the local paper ninja shot a picture of us three ladies and it wound up front page news! Don't believe me check it out! (pardon the black, I had to cover up our last name)

We were wearing our Code Lyoko cosplays, and my mom was Cosplaying Integra from Hellsing! More great news, we took best in show in Kogata's Cosplay Contest! It was a really good end to a really fun day, now the grind to get everything done in time for NebrasKon 2016 is in full swing!

Our line-up this year is quite extensive and complicated, for Friday the 4th we will have a full swing Lord Of The Rings group with the following players: Myself as Legolas, Ami as Gimli, Logan as a Nazgul, Dylan as Sarumon the White, my dad as Gandalf the Grey, and my Mother as Galadriel, Cameron who found he couldn't complete a full set of armor for Sauron in time will be cosplaying Mettaton from Undertale! Saturday Dylan will be dawning Mettaton as Cameron plays Gaster from Undertale, Logan, Ami, and I will be playing Genesis, Cloud, and Zack from FFVII Crisis Core respectively, and Sunday will be our Ace Attorney cosplays with the addition of Logan as Apollo Justice era Phoenix Wright! If you happen to be in the area that weekend, or even have a ticket and see us around the con don't be afraid to say hi! Until next time happy crafting!

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