So Nebraskon was a couple weeks ago, and I'm just now getting settled back into the real world. I always seem to leave the convention wishing I could stay in such a friendly place full of warmth and togetherness, but alas, the real world beckons, and so does my job and other responsibilities... Anyway, I still don't have a computer of my own, so I'm posting this from Ami's before I go to work today...
I think I'll start off by showing the cosplays we all wore, and talking in depth about them a little, since I didn't do much of that this year!
First up, we did a Final Fantasy group on Halloween, with Ami as Yuffie from FFVII Dirge of Cerberus, and myself as Reno. We met an awesome Chocobo named Kweh and a lovely genderbent Barrett at the FF Get together, as pictured below! Reno's outfit was really just me throwing together a suit and styling a wig, however I did make his weapon completely from scratch. It was two pieces of pipe stuck together, some wooden dowels, some craft foam, and believe it or not I even used a candle! I wrapped craft foam around a really thin dowel and shoved it into one end of the pipe, then glued it into place, then I carved a hole into the candle, stuck a black ribbon through it and glued that. Then I proceeded to melt the candle on the outside until it was able to fit into the other end of the pipe, then I glued the cap to one of those little coin machine bubbles like they have outside walmart and what not to the tip. Hit it with spraypaint and electrical tape, and ta-dah! Yuffie was made from scratch completely from head to toe as well as her shuriken, but for prop how-to's you'll have to ask Ami.
Next on the list is Logan, who cosplayed as Leon/KH Squall the whole weekend. Logan is pictured on the left of an awesome Dress Uniform Squall we met while wandering the halls! His gunblade is a large wooden blade attached to a small, still functional cap gun. This means that if he loads it with caps, it will fire, make a noise and emit smoke! His outfit was a combined effort between the two of us, and his wig and makeup done by me.
Now onto the main cosplays of the weekend! Our Kingdom Hearts II group! Ami cosplayed the main protagonist, Sora, and her outfit, wig, and shoes were made entirely from scratch by me, with a little help from her. Her Keyblade on the other hand (the large thing lighting up on the left) was made by the three of us. I did the handle, she made the shaft and keychain, and Logan made the blade. Our amazing dad made the whole thing light up, and if you could see it on the ground or a wall, it lights up in the shape of a keyhole, fitting the theme of the game. My Riku cosplay also had his Organization XIII coat, which earned me quite a few squeals when I took it off on stage to reveal his normal outfit underneath! Our group got judges choice for the group position, earning us our second cosplay contest victory, some DVDs, and $25! Below I'll also picture my Organization coat, since you can't see it in the group shot.
Now cosplay ranting aside :) I have a new cross-stitch pattern! It is a Mine Craft Parody of My Neighbor Totoro! It features a dirt block and enderman as the two girls, and a ghast as Totoro! I'm actually already almost done sewing it as a pillow, and it will be for sale on Ami and I's Etsy shop! Here's the pattern. It's actually rather small, as the Ghast is only about 50 stitches tall max. It doesn't take long to sew at all! If you're interested in our Etsy the shop can be found by copying and pasting this link!
Until next time!
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