Monday, April 22, 2013

Finished at last!! Takeda Ikki pattern.

It took me a long time, longer than any other patterns to finish, but rightfully so! This is probably my most detailed pattern yet . I think I'll probably stitch Takeda on a different piece of fabric so he can become his own pillow. I'll have to get some more thread before I start on him anyway.

Now here he is!

On that note, I got quite a bit done on Niijima over this past weekend!

I have a few other things to post about, but I'm going to save those for tomorrow so I have something cool and coordinating to post about . This is a short one, but I hope you enjoy it, ALSO! I you stitch Takeda before I get the chance I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see how he turns out!

1 comment:

  1. Takeda's hair is super-lovely- I really like all of those shades of light blue! Your WIP looks nice, too! The collar is well done.
