This post is dedicated to the first Anime man I ever really fangirled HARD CORE over. Hadera Musica (known as Hamrio Musica in the Japanese dub).
Last night I went and started rewatching an old anime that aired on Tv when I was in the fourth grade. Rave Master by Hiro Mashima. I've heard that his new series Fairy Tale is really popular, and when I saw a screen shot from it with Plue in it I went immediately into Nostalgia mode.
Known in Japan as Groove Adventure Rave is the story of Haru Glory's quest to find the Rave stones, the only force that can defeat the evil Shadow Stones. Sounds pretty straight forward, right? Sort of...Bring in Ellie, an amnesiac searching for her memories, and famous (Super sexy, total hottie) theif, and leader of the Silver Rythem Gang, Hadera Musica. I'm not going to spoil the plot incase you guys want to watch it, but the fights are awesome and some of the VAs in it are pretty famous. Yuri Lowenthal (Sasuke from Naruto, Keigo from Bleach, Robin from Teen Titans) voices Haru (I actually got to meet him, he's super nice!), and Michelle Ruff (most famous for voicing Rukia from Bleach) plays Ellie. Hot bad guy Shuda is voiced by Crispin Freeman (Alucard from Hellsing, Kyon from Haruhi, Itachi from Naruto...the list goes on, I love that man).
Anyway On to Musica, my darling!~~ (probably a little late to say this but if you don't want fangirling, you shouldn't read this post)
I've loved anime since I before I was able to count to ten. I grew up on Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors, and Yugioh, and there were anime boys I liked...but Musica was the first one I ever went head over heals for. Fourth grade was about Eight years ago, so I was around 9 at the time. I fell for him hard, I wanted to change my name to Musica, pierce my eybrow, and wear heavy silver skull jewelry. I was obsessed, and if you watch him for a few minutes, you'll see why. Any girl could fall for him, even now at 17 I can't help a smile at all his witty comebacks and his playful flirting. He's a famous theif who wants the world to know it, but that doesn't mean you can't count on him. He deeply cares for his friends and will go so far as to turn himself in to the cops to break one out of jail from the inside. He's smooth and handsome, and very skilled with his weapon. He's on a quest to find Silver Ray, so he join's up with Haru and Ellie.
He's really well voiced too. His VA is the voice of Gin Ichimaru and Kisuke Urahara from Bleach and he sounds like a well balanced mix of the two. He's laid back, but smooth and cunning. Just as a theif should be.
I was a little bit dissappointed when he changed his look a little after joining up with the group. His black hair isn't near as sexy as his brown hair was, but he's still amazingly hot!
Quite honestly, the way I dress even today was heavily influenced by the guys in this show. Flashy jackets (my leather one's my favorite), black t-shirts, and tons of chain jewelry. This show is one of my instant Nostalgia switches.
Everytime I see Haru or Musica, my face goes like this

ok not quite that creepy, but I think you get the picture XD
Anyway I'll just end this post here...I was going to post the picture of My twin and I with Yuri Lowenthal, but I don't have it on my computer...